Monday, June 21, 2010

Lost the Battle

All you had to do was admit defeat.
You gave up by surrendering but you never admitted it.
I surrendered in return, but whats a victory
when your enemy does not acknowledge total defeat?
This was just a long battle between you and I
So long it almost didnt hurt to see you die in the end...

We said we were meant to keep fighting each other forever
when we were really were finished the battle from the get go.
Humans are so selfish, its in our genes.
We can say all we want to say, do all we want to do,
but it all amounts to a pile of dust in the end,
a pile of dust in a once empty box
buried six feet under the topsoil.Bold (CTRL+B)

I may have lost the battle months ago,
But I swear I will win the war.
Before my bones rot in my my tiny little shell I promise you
This darkskinned african commander will beat the tar out of you
Hah! And you thought it couldnt get worse,
Your army is in full retreat, putting up barriers all the way back to base, why?
Because no matter where you run and hide I can see your every move.

Take a good look at where you were today. The more people around the better, right?
Civilians that made your human shields, a family crafted of love?
Think again, for in every civilian there is a spark of revolution,
The desire to love and be loved in return by a family.
I will make them into an army and you will not like the result.
I hope to see you one more time, enemy commander,
and this time, I wanna hear the words of surrender from your lips.

I may have lost the battle months ago,
But I swear I will win the war.

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